Studio Craft

Studio craft, though it takes many forms, can be thought of in general as the tendency to practice craft methodology in an environment similar if not equivalent to that of an artist's studio. Viewed in comparison to the practice of traditional craft, which tends to generate craft objects out of necessity or for ceremonial use, Studio Craft represents a contemporary shift by producing craft objects at the whim of the maker or intended owner, and which tend to be, at best, only desirable for use and sometimes outright in opposition to it.

Because studio craft dissents from the approach of making objects out of necessity, it inspires significant comparisons to works of studio art which also tend to be made specifically to stimulate aesthetically rather than to serve functional purposes. It is often argued by contemporary craftspeople that because of their diminished reliance on making objects for functionality, the studio craft object becomes more viable for the kind of aesthetic critical theory which occurs in fine art theory.

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